Nelci Zanon, Luanda André Collange Grecco, Giselle Coelho Resende Caselato, Denise Pedreira


Revision is aimed to describe the effects obtained with fetal neurosurgery, especially in cases of myelomeningocele, promoting a critical analysis of current affairs and prospects available in the literature. Relevant studies were consulted and included in this review. It is observed that the myelomeningocele is the main disease with neurosurgical statement with evidence to support the indication of fetal surgery. The main benefits are related to reduced association of Arnold-Chiari type II and hydrocephalus, improved motor development and positive change in the level of injury. Risks and adverse effects are described and involve the fetus and the mother. Currently fetal surgery procedures can be performed with the open and endoscopically. The most recent evidence points to a trend in the study of minimally invasive fetal techniques that provide greater protection for mother and baby.

Parole chiave

Myelomeningocele; Fetal surgery; Hydrocephalus; Motor developmental


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Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria. ISSN: 1414-0365