Pedro Henrique Alves Pereira, Raquel Elias Ferreira


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) appeared in December 2019 in China and rapidly expanded all across the world, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, mostly through respiratory distress syndrome. However, in a few months, the medical community noted other severe complications on COVID19 patients, and it is now clear there is an association between ischaemic stroke and COVID19. Objective: to report a neurological complication in a COVID19 patient. Case description: we report the case of a male, younger than 60 years-old, without chronic diseases, that presented with a large vessel ischaemic stroke during the course of a severe COVID19. The epidemiology, clinical characteristics, laboratory and imaging findings of this case are compared with literature data. Conclusion: this case helps to body the current knowledge of this novel infection and its neurological complications, highlighting the importance of knowing these complications in order to better manage the affected patients.

Parole chiave

Stroke; Coronavirus infections; COVID-19; Neurology; SARS coronavirus; Case reports

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Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria. ISSN: 1414-0365