Laise Gisele de Souza, Camila Machado Gonçalves, João Vítor Nunes Sobreira Cruz, Antônio de Souza Andrade Filho


Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is a heterogeneous group of clinical or subclinical manifestations which affect the peripheral nervous system (PNS) as a complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). It may be present in different clinical forms, physiopathological mechanisms, onset, and outcome. We describe the case of a 58 years-old female patient who presented signs of malfunction in cranial nerve pairs III, V, VII, VIII, and XII, mainly with oculomotor manifestations and peripheral facial paralysis, characterizing a cranial neuropathy secondary to diabetes. During the course of the disease, associated with multiple paralysis of cranial nerve pairs, she developed unilateral cervical radiculoplexopathy of sudden onset, evolving with limb plegy and flaccidity.  Treatment requires glycemic control in an attempt to reduce intensity of neurologic lesion and improve the prognosis. We emphasize the importance of clinical suspicion of this condition when finding symptoms and signs predominantly asymmetrical, as well as the correct interpretation of neuroimaging studies for an accurate diagnosis.


Diabetic neuropathies; Cranial nerves; Brachial plexus neuritis; Facial paralysis


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Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria. ISSN: 1414-0365